Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Finally I have cracked my Nurgle Lord!!!

It struck me whilst reading the feedback I received on warseer how important it is to embrace the critique of others and try and constantly improve your ideas and technique.
I have a very strong vision for most of my projects, but it's helpful to have an outsiders point of view once in a while. With that in mind I tried one more version of the lords head.
I'm much happier with this than previous ones and I am pretty certain he is now finished!?!
I also got some more accurate colour representation photos.


  1. Inspiring stuff there mate. Realy looks good and would be a pleasure to face on the table.

  2. Eeeeeeewwh! He looks awesome! Well done, be proud!

  3. he looks absolutely disgusting... which means you achieved the success! :)
